Day 34, 35, 36: an intermission

Dear readers,

It is on these days that my tendonitis returns, but now in a different spot on the same foot. I am on a stretch of trail that I hiked last year, and I have diarrhea every day. I get off trail at Panther Creek and go to Portland for a few days to regroup. Carrot goes to Alaska for her own adventure. I am going to continue on in Oregon, at least I think so? Bogwitch shall cronch forth with me, but TBQH Bogwitch is FAST and I'm not sure I can keep up. I have a lot of methods of KT taping under my belt for the tendonitis. I'm gonna give the diarrhea one more day before I worry about it too much. I'm packing my boxes for Oregon. I am a swirl of very small injury and emotion. The blog will pick up at the Washington/Oregon border!

I mention all of this to say: some thru hikers have a lot of *~feelings~* when people skip miles. I truly don't give a shit either way, but I think it's reasonable to acknowledge that I skipped about 35 miles into Cascade Locks because my body and mind felt just a little shitty, I missed the comforts of one of my homes, I'd hiked this stretch before, and I have a lot of logistical concerns to take care of from my last minute decision to hike Oregon. I'm sure you understand! And really, thank you so much for reading. It honestly means a lot.



Day 37: Feelings and evictions and tacos and camp.


Day 33: a gentle forest